Python Mastery for Creative Words Tech Team: Data Manipulation and API Integration

Course Overview:

Throughout this immersive course, you’ll embark on a journey to master Python programming from the ground up. With a focus on practical applications within our organization, you’ll delve into essential Python concepts, hands-on exercises, and real-world examples carefully curated to meet the unique needs of our tech team.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Develop a robust understanding of Python syntax, control flow, and functions tailored to our specific project requirements.
  • Learn efficient techniques for working with files to read, manipulate, and generate data, optimizing our data-driven workflows.
  • Harness the power of APIs and seamlessly integrate them into our projects to enhance functionality and automate tasks.
  • Explore advanced Python concepts such as error handling, list comprehensions, and dictionary manipulation, tailored to our team’s coding standards and best practices.
  • Apply your newfound skills to real-world projects directly relevant to our team’s objectives, fostering collaboration and innovation within our organization.

Why Take This Course:

  • Tailored Content: Benefit from course content specifically designed to address the unique challenges and objectives of Creative Words.
  • In-House Expertise: Learn from experienced instructors within our organization who possess a deep understanding of our projects, workflows, and coding standards.
  • Team Collaboration: Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among team members through shared learning experiences and collaborative projects.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Empower our team to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and drive innovation within our projects using Python.
  • Career Growth: Equip yourself with valuable skills that will not only enhance your contributions to our organization but also open up new opportunities for career advancement within our tech team.


The CWISE course for universities aims at providing the skillset for you to be ready to take the first steps in the translation industry. The content ranges from technical fundamentals to the soft skills needed to work in the market.

The course consists of 12 different lessons in a designated step sequence, and should take approximately 5 hours to complete. Please notice that, in order to go to the following lesson, you’ll need to complete the one you are currently on.

Upon completion of the course, we’ll propose a translation test, which should take place in the period of April 15-19. We’ll notify you via email with the dates.

Data Annotation Course

The data annotation course offers a comprehensive exploration of fundamental principles and practices in data annotation, spanning text, images, audio, and video formats. It introduces widely used annotation tools like CVAT and V7 Lab, emphasizing tasks such as image classification, object detection, and segmentation. The course underscores the significance of clear guidelines and a standardized workflow, covering creation, annotation, review, and quality control. Participants will gain insights into best practices, challenges, and emerging trends in data annotation, providing a foundation for effective and precise annotation work that contributes to the advancement of AI systems.

Corso Data Annotation

Il corso di Data Annotation offre una visione approfondita dei principi fondamentali e delle pratiche nell’annotazione dei dati, coprendo formati come testo, immagini, audio e video. Vengono presentati strumenti di annotazione ampiamente utilizzati come CVAT e V7 Lab, con un focus particolare sulla classificazione delle immagini, il rilevamento degli oggetti e la segmentazione. L’attenzione è posta sull’importanza di stabilire linee guida chiare e di implementare un flusso di lavoro standardizzato che copra le fasi dalla creazione all’annotazione, alla revisione e al controllo della qualità. I partecipanti acquisiranno conoscenze sulle migliori pratiche, sulle sfide e sulle tendenze emergenti nell’annotazione dei dati, fornendo una solida base per un lavoro di annotazione efficace e preciso, contribuendo al progresso dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale.

Corso per AI Content Post-Editor e AI Content Reviewer

In questo corso, esploreremo in dettaglio i concetti legati all’Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa e ai Modelli Linguistici Avanzati (LLM). La nostra analisi comprenderà una visione esaustiva di entrambi questi ambiti.

How to get into the language service industry

Welcome to this free course on localization designed by Creative Words, we are very happy to have you onboard!

On this exciting journey you will learn the basics of the language service industry. Don’t forget to complete all lessons and tests to get your certificate that will be issued after completion of all modules.


Learn how how to set up a project in MemoQ, get an overview of Translation Editor and LiveDocs, and discover how to import a glossary into the Term Base.


Learn how to set up a project in Memsource, get an overview of Translation Editor, discover how to export target files and much more.


  • Learn how to set up a project in Trados
  • Get an overview of the Translation Editor (including formatting shortcuts and tag placement)
  • Discover how to open a package, how to create a return package, and how to export target files
  • Get tips and tricks to get your work done faster

How to perform an LSO

What’s Language Sign-off? Get guidance and examples to correctly perform this task!

Click on the name of the file below to open this file in your browser or download the file and store it at your convenience.

Creative Words Lead Linguist Starter Kit

Thanks for teaming up for this exciting role!

Here are the materials we have drafted as part of our Lead Linguist training.

They are mandatory for all the linguists who want to become Lead Linguists for Creative Words.

If you are interested in this activity and we have not discussed it yet, feel free to contact our Community Manager at before taking this training module.

Creative Words Revision Starter Kit

Thanks for teaming up to ensure our customers only receive top-notch quality translations.

Here are the materials we have drafted as part of our revision training.

They are mandatory for all the linguists who want to take care of revisions for Creative Words.

If you are interested in this activity and we have not discussed it yet, feel free to contact our Community Manager at before taking this training module.